Sale of Water Taps

2022-05-20Updated: 2023-08-19 Penrose Water District

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners allows the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) within Fremont County. Those considering construction of ADUs within the boundaries of the Penrose Water District, and that are taking service from our system, are advised that, effective December 13, 2021, the sale of water taps is strictly limited to one tap per nominal 5-acre legally defined property. This excludes the originally platted Town of Penrose area which contains smaller, denser lots, and excluding any subdivisions smaller than nominal 5-acres which had purchased a tap, availability letter or availability contract and been approved as subdivisions prior to... Read The Rest
Project Now Complete

2018-09-03Updated: 2023-08-19 Penrose Water District

The pipeline and pumping station of the Arkansas-Penrose Pipeline Project was completed on September 3, 2015. The pipeline system allows us to convey District-owned water from the Arkansas River to storage at Brush Hollow Reservoir, or to the water treatment plant for direct use as needed.  The project included the construction of headgate wells along the Arkansas River for diversions, a booster pump station, and approximately seven miles of piping. Additional work to construct an augmentation station (measuring facility) was completed at the end of December 2015. The project cost was approximately $4,665,000.00. The Project provides Penrose Water  District the ability to utilize water... Read The Rest